Today I was browsing around the Mac App Store, glancing around to see some of the Apps available a few days post-launch (I didn't do this earlier because I was working on my own app—more on this later).
What I found surprised and elated me:
Looks like the 'Catholic Calendar' application, developed by Universalis, is shown as one of the featured 'Lifestyle' applications, and is even the icon tile for the Categories overview page.
It'd be nice if the app had a more Catholic icon (the Latin text just doesn't set it off for me... look at the other icons - most of them are very simple/pleasing, and convey more meaning), but I'll take what I can get!
Does anyone else have a Catholic Mac App out there yet? Additionally, does anyone know who works with Universalis to keep on top of the game in this area? They've been doing a smash-up job lately in the mobile and desktop application world, amidst a field of thousands of other apps.